IT Services - Jörg Krahe
Software Develop­ment

Based on a lot of know­ledge gained over the last years, I can provide top qual­ity in this area. I'm using Delphi as the main coding lang­uage and Assembler for time-criti­cal func­tions.

I'm offering the develop­ment of new appli­cations, but also the main­te­nance of exist­ing software. I'd also like to help with the renewal of older appli­cations, for example to give a new outfit, or with tech­nical adjust­ments, in order to bring an appli­cation in line with current re­quire­ments.

I'm familiar with thread pro­gram­ming and the Windows API is my daily busi­ness. I know how to handle the regis­try and I've already devel­oped exten­sions for the shell.

Regar­ding SQL data­bases, I've coded inter­faces for appli­cations, inclu­ding design, backup and the import of data. Finally, let me point out that I think, that a good docu­men­tation is very impor­tant. Please follow the link to learn more about my techni­cal exper­tise.

My offer isn't lim­ited to full appli­cations: Same is offered for mod­ules, for ex­am­ple with a special func­tion­ality like the calcu­lation of file check­sums. Further­more, I can help with the develop­ment of dynamic link libra­ries, console and service appli­cations. Even web appli­cations based on isapi are possible.

If you want to see an example for an appli­cation, which I've devel­oped, then please have a look on page Software.

I'd also like to assist you in soft­ware projects, particu­larly in my special areas.

It would be nice to hear from you!

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