IT Services - Jörg Krahe
Legal Notice
Company Details:

IT-Services Jörg Krahe
Eburonenstr. 6
50678 Köln, Germany
This website is operated by Jörg Krahe.
Some product and com­pany names mentioned on this website may be the trade­marks or regis­tered trade­marks of their res­pec­tive owners.
The content of this website shall not be used for any other purpose than or­der­ing the offered products or services.
Privacy Policy
Data protec­tion is of a par­ticu­larly high prio­rity for us. There­fore, we treat personal data as confi­den­tial and always in line with legal data pro­tec­tion regu­la­tions and with this privacy policy.
In general, the use of these web pages is pos­sible with­out any indi­cation of per­son­al data. In certain cases how­ever a pro­cess­ing of per­son­al data could become neces­sary. There­fore, we would like to inform you about which data we pro­cess, the purpose of the pro­ces­sing and the rights to which you are entitled.
All disputes arising from this privacy policy shall be based on the German word­ing of this privacy policy.
This web site con­tains links to web sites of third parties. This privacy policy is not valid for these web sites.
Data trans­mis­sions over the Inter­net (e.g. e-mail) may have secu­rity gaps, and thus acces­sible by third parties. For this reason, we always offer alter­native trans­mis­sion ways, e.g. by phone.
Calls of this web sites are col­lec­ted in log files on the server. As a result, the name of the web page will be logged, the browser type and version, the used ope­ra­ting system, refer­rers, date and time, IP address and other similar data. We are not able to assign these data to indi­vidu­als. Rather, this infor­mation is needed to ensure the func­tion­ality of our web site and to im­prove its secu­rity.

The log files are usually deleted within a month, except there is an impor­tant reason, for example in case of a cyber attack: In this case, these data serve for a deeper ana­lysis, danger defense and for a pos­sible criminal pro­secu­tion by law enforce­ment autho­rities.
Information to be provided
We hereby inform you accor­ding to the EU General Data Pro­tec­tion Regu­lation (GDPR) about the process of your personal data (here­inafter referred as the "data").

The pro­cess­ing of data is neces­sary for the ful­fill­ment of a contract with you or the initia­tion of a contract trig­gered by you. Without pro­cess­ing data, a contract can not be con­cluded.

Legal basis for the pro­cess­ing is GDPR article 6 para­graph 1 letters (a), (b), (c) and (f), in detail

(a) for pro­cess­ing opera­tions for which we obtain consent for a spe­cific pro­cess­ing purpose,

(b) for the perfor­mance or the initia­tion of a contract,

(c) for the ful­fill­ment of tax obliga­tions,

(f) for the pur­poses of a legi­timate interest, which could exist if you are a client.

The data will be processed only as long as it is neces­sary for the ful­fill­ment of the con­tract or statutory re­quire­ments and for serving our relation ship. After expi­ration of that period, the corres­pon­ding data is routinely deleted.

If you wish the erasure of data, we will imme­diate­ly erase the data, if we don't get in conflict with the statu­tory reten­tion periods.

Accor­ding to the GDPR, you have the fol­low­ing rights regarding your data:
  • Right of access
  • Recti­fica­tion and erasure
  • Restriction of pro­cess­ing
  • Object to pro­cess­ing
  • Data porta­bility
  • Withdraw con­sent im­pact­ing further pro­cess­ing
  • Lodge a com­plaint with a super­visory autho­rity
You can find a list of super­visory autho­rities at:

We are treating your data in a confi­dential manner and don't trans­fer data to other recip­ients or to a third country. Further­more, we do not use auto­matic deci­sion-making or pro­filing.

We hope we could provide you our privacy policy in an intel­ligible form. In case of further ques­tions or for the exer­cise of your rights, please contact:

IT-Services Jörg Krahe
Eburonenstr. 6
50678 Köln, Deutschland
Privacy Policy
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