IT Services - Jörg Krahe

I'm living in Cologne, Germany and I'm an indepen­dent software devel­oper since many years. Before that, I worked in the areas of IT service coor­dina­tion, system engi­neering and project plan­ning.

To me, the most interes­ting part was always the develop­ment of soft­ware: The ability to create a program which does exactly what you want, making life easier and saving a lot of time. Ideally, the soft­ware is capable to com­plete com­plex tasks in an auto­mated manner, which are hard to be done manually.

As a result, I've devel­oped TurboSFV, which is a tool for the calcu­lation of file check­sums. Check­sums are com­pressed finger­prints for a stream of bits (for example a file) and the calcu­lation can take more or less CPU time, depen­ding on the used algo­rithm. They can be used to algo­rithmi­cally iden­tify a file or a spe­cific content. More de­tails can be found on page Software.

But I'm also offer­ing you my skills, espe­cially for software pro­jects: I can take over the entire coding or parts of it. I can also assist you in general, if you have ques­tions re­gard­ing the de­velop­ment or the use of spe­cial software. Please con­tinue reading on page services, to learn more.

If you have a pro­ject in place in the areas as men­tioned or if I can help you in any other way, then feel free to contact me.:

Thank you!
Jörg Krahe

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